Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rain, Rain.. Come My Way

Gothic into Arts and Crafts

Now while I may be jumping the gun, just a bit ( it  is only February 6th), today's lovely thaw has me thinking about Spring. With Spring comes rain, umbrellas , raincoats, rain boots, spring flowers, chirping birds, and flowering trees. All of these thoughts bring a happy, fresh , joyful feeling to my heart . I cannot  help but have that  fluttery feeling inside in anticipation of rainy days that smell like Spring. From  this , I  have been thinking about pursuing a new collection. I have decided to look for a wonderful umbrella stand and some new ( and maybe vintage ) umbrellas to add inside. I would like to place the stand and its contents next  to my front door which is clamouring  for something of interest. I truly believe a great umbrella stand and unique umbrellas serve not only their intended function but also work as useful art.

Art Nouveau into Arts and Crafts periods

Vintage umbrella stands come in may shapes and sizes and a price range as varying as materials utilized. Look for them at flea markets, antique stores, yard sales and even on Ebay. It is possible to find prices anywhere from thirty five dollars to as much as three thousand dollars. The  different design eras have varying styles in umbrella stands  reflective of  their popular motifs. Most common materials are ceramic, wood and metal,  and commonly stand from approximately twenty eight inches to as much as thirty eight inches. When looking for umbrella stands, make sure to check depth of the space you would like to place the stand in. Also, make sure the umbrella stand has a nice hearty weight to it to prevent tipping.

Mid Century
With a wonderful vintage  umbrella stand, it is as equally important to fill it with unique and useful umbrellas. Now as much as I love vintage, I am also inspired by some of the new lovely designed umbrellas by  French umbrella designer, Michel Heurtault. Michel's umbrellas and parasoles are created following French craftsmen' tradtions and are completely hand made. All umbrellas are made of enviromentally friendly materials such as wood, iron, silk, cotton, and linen. Each umbrella is a true work of art.

French Umbrella Designer Michel Heurtault
With just a bit of searching for your own unique style you too can have useful art that is inviting for the perfect rainy days. Mix vintage with new and your look will be one of a kind, and most important, it will be totally you. ~ Nadia

Designs from La Parasolerie Heurtault


  1. I love these, especially the first two! Then again, I love everything Arts and Crafts :)

  2. Cheri. I do as well. I have also been on Ebay looking at vintage umbrellas.., a nice but very pricey selection. Seems as though stands and umbrellas are popular especially this time of year. I won't give up my search though…;)


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